Home Chinese Culture 12 Chinese Zodiac Sign

12 Chinese Zodiac Sign



Chinese Zodiac ChartChinese Zodiac Signs

This 12 Chinese Zodiac Sign page shows which animal year (a Chinese year that associates with specific animal) your birth year is. According to the Chinese folk lores, those who are born during the year of a certain animal share some of the qualities of that animal. The 12 Zodiac Signs in order are:

Rat 2008 1996 1984 1972 1960 1948 1936 1924 1912 1900
Ox 2009 1997 1985 1973 1961 1949 1937 1925 1913 1901
Tiger 2010 1998 1986 1974 1962 1950 1938 1926 1914 1902
Rabbit 2011 1999 1987 1975 1963 1951 1939 1927 1915 1903
Dragon 2012 2000 1988 1976 1964 1952 1940 1928 1916 1904
Snake 2013 2001 1989 1977 1965 1953 1941 1929 1917 1905
Horse 2014 2002 1990 1978 1966 1954 1942 1930 1918 1906
Goat 2015 2003 1991 1979 1967 1955 1943 1931 1919 1907
Monkey 2016 2004 1992 1980 1968 1956 1944 1932 1920 1908
Rooster 2017 2005 1993 1981 1969 1957 1945 1933 1921 1909
Dog 2018 2006 1994 1982 1970 1958 1946 1934 1922 1910
Pig 2019 2007 1995 1983 1971 1959 1947 1935 1923 1911

If you were born in JANUARY or FEBRUARY, your birthday is special. Here is the Chinese zodiac chart for you to find your zodiac animal sign. After you find it, come back to this page to have fun with your animal.

The Animals of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs

You probably know that there are 12 animals in Chinese zodiac chart; did you also know that there are five types for each kind of animal? They are closely related to the five elements of ancient Chinese philosophy that interact with each other and create relationships between natural phenomena. The five elements are:

  • metal
  • wood
  • water
  • fire
  • earth

Now, let's take a close look at these animals of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs.

1. RAT

2. OX

Chinese Zodiac OxOx is the second animal of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs. People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, quiet yet inspire confidence in others. They are eccentric and temperamental. They speak little but when they do they are quite articulate.

Mentally and physically alert, they are generally easy-going but can be very stubborn and they hate to fail or be opposed.

Oxen are natural born mentors and life is filled with examples of people who have gone on to great success because of them. They can create the most imposing structures, magnificent sculptures, and homes. They respond like poets to the beauties of nature and of solitude. Oxen are unique, they are the flower that bursts through the crack of cement.

Bird's Nest Soup and Bean Curd are among the keys to good health.

They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.

Famous OX people

  • Tung Chee-Hwa
  • Sukarno
  • Richard Burton
  • Napoleon
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Peter Sellers
  • Margaret Mead
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Eisaku Sato
  • Princess Diana
  • Gary Faye Locke

Which kind of OX you are?

  • Metal Ox: 1901,1961
  • Water Ox: 1913,1973
  • Wood Ox: 1925,1985
  • Fire Ox: 1937,1997
  • Earth Ox: 1949,2009

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Chinese-Zodiac-TigerTiger is the third animal of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs. People born the Year of the Tiger are deep thinkers and can make the most astonishing intellectual connections, with great mental agility. On the negative side, they tend to be suspicious and a bit self-centered, and sometimes indecisive.

They are powerful, courageous and can have great sympathy for others. Despite their kindness, they can be extremely short-tempered. The rage of Tigers is terrible to behold but it also gives them the adrenaline needed for the sublimest of bravery.

Above everything, however, the Tiger stands as a supreme emblem of protection over human life, admirable always.

Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.

Soup and Oolong Tea are among the keys to good health.

Famous TIGER people

  • Sun Yat-Sen
  • Jiang Zemin
  • Ho Chih Minh
  • Princess Anne
  • General Charles de Gaulle
  • Charles Lindbergh
  • Beethoven
  • Queen Beatrix
  • King Juan Carlos I
  • Jonas Salk
  • Queen Elizabeth

Which kind of TIGER you are?

  • Metal Tiger: 1950, 2010
  • Water Tiger: 1902, 1962
  • Wood Tiger: 1914, 1974
  • Fire Tiger: 1926, 1986
  • Earth Tiger: 1938, 1998

Find out more about your horoscope animal. (Coming soon.)To Top



Chinese Zodiac DragonDragon is the fifth animal of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs. People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn.

They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust in others. They are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They listen to their own drummer while the rest of the world stands in amazement. People always admire their individuality and feisty personality.

They never borrow money, are very straight forwarded and tend to be soft hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. Dragons are capable of doing great work for mankind and they inspire trust in almost everyone. The Dragon symbolizes life and growth and is said to bring the five blessings: harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity.

They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.

Chicken soup and bamboo shoots are among keys to good health.

Some famous DRAGON people:

  • Ringo Starr
  • Edward Heath
  • Dr. Seuss
  • John Lennon
  • Harold Wilson
  • Helen Keller
  • Pearl S. Buck
  • Salvador Dali
  • Francois Mitterrand
  • Hosni Mubarek
  • Maya Angelou

Which kind of DRAGON you are:

  • Metal Dragon: 1940,2000
  • Water Dragon: 1952,2012
  • Wood Dragon: 1904,1964
  • Fire Dragon: 1916,1976
  • Earth Dragon: 1928,1988

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6. Snake

Chinese Zodiac animal: SnakeSnake is the sixth animal of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs. People born in the Year of the Snake are charming and romantic, often planning delightful hideaway surprises.

Snake people normally like music. They are calm by nature, but intense, often get involved in great causes, many bigger than life.

They are also deep, quiet thinkers, possessing tremendous wisdom and often serve as mentors to the young. They enjoy an abundance of good fortune and a prosperous life.

Chicken soup and Chinese cabbage are among keys to good health!

Some famous Snake people:

  • Mao Tse-tong
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Indira Gandhi
  • Ferdinand Marcos
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Lady Pamela Mountbatten
  • Martin Luther King
  • Grace Kelly
  • Jacqueline Kennedy
  • Edgar Allen Poe
  • Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bob Dylan

Which kind of Snake you are:

  • Metal Snake 1941,2001
  • Water Snake 1953,2013
  • Wood Snake 1905,1965
  • Fire Snake 1917,1977
  • Earth Snake 1929,1989


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